The Permission Slip
You are allowed to leave any situation that does not feel right- a job where you are not respected, a seminar that does not relate to you, a blind date…
You are allowed to leave people who make you feel badly.
You are allowed to let go of the old childhood friend who holds you down. Although it may have worked in the past, does not mean it still works. People change, people grow, and sometimes we have to leave behind what blocks our sunlight.
You are allowed to leave toxic relationships. Your gut knows when it isn’t right.
You are allowed to cancel plans if you don’t feel well.
You are allowed to disappoint others. You are human.
You are allowed to return your coffee when it is not what you ordered.
You are allowed to say “no” to salespeople pressuring you to buy an outfit. You are allowed not to give the cashier your e-mail address. You are not hurting her feelings.
You are allowed to change your mind. What might have worked for you yesterday does not have to work for you today.
You are allowed to sit in child’s pose if something doesn’t feel right in your body.
You are allowed to take time to think of an answer. You do not always have to give an immediate response. “I’ll have to think about it and get back to you” can be kinder than just saying “yes.”
You are allowed to say how you really feel when someone asks.
You are allowed to receive a compliment with a simple “thank you.” You do not have to return the favor. Just breathe in the appreciation.
You are allowed to have alone time. You are allowed to sing out loud. You are allowed to dance. You are allowed to play on the swings at the park. You are allowed to make snow angels. You are allowed to take a lollipop at the doctor’s office.
You are allowed to flourish. You are allowed to dream. You are allowed to aspire. You are allowed to manifest all you’ve ever wanted.