Herbivore Honey

Just hear me out for a sec:

Vegans don’t point out animal cruelty and suffering to make you feel badly. We share information that will encourage you to consider exploring different options that don’t attribute to the suffering of these beautiful, sentient beings.

I wasn’t always a vegan. I was the cheese and steak queen. I made fun of vegans. I fully own up to that. In hindsight, I can now see that their intentions weren’t malicious and weren’t an attack against omnivores. They were just trying to open my eyes and I am so thankful they’ve been open.

Once you become educated about the horror of the meat and dairy industries, you can’t look at food the same way again. People ask me if it’s hard being vegan. It’s not when I think of my reason.

The simple facts are there is no such thing as “ethically raised meat,” dairy is unnatural for humans to consume. The cute, wholesome commercials of Betsy the cow and grass-fed chickens are all a facade. It’s all for money. I think deep down, most of us already know that.

There are so many horrific facts I would like to share to open your eyes but I’ve been afraid of being labeled a “crazy, radical hippie” or something. I’m afraid of being judged or of people thinking I’m self-righteous. It’s going to take me a while to stop answering questions like “why are you vegan?” with the lie that it’s for my health. I want to answer it truthfully. I don’t want to contribute to the suffering. I want no part of that. And no, I don’t miss bacon.

Yes, I did initially go vegan for my own health but the only reason I’ve been able to sustain this lifestyle for 5 years is because of the animals. My health wasn’t enough of a reason for me. For some, it is. For some, it’s about protecting the environments. For others, it’s all three. My advice for anyone attempting to go vegan is to find YOUR WHY. That is what I will keep you going.

Gabrielle Roy